We are excited to share highlights from the recent “Artificial Intelligence Researchers Association Annual Conference” hosted at the University of Auckland. The conference, which brings together AI researchers from across New Zealand, served as a valuable platform for discussing the latest advancements in artificial intelligence (AI).

Our project leader, Professor Gill Dobbie, played a pivotal role as the conference chair. One of our project members, Dr Daniel Wilson, also contributed to the conference as a panelist in the discussion on “AI’s impact on society,” offering valuable insights into the societal implications of AI technologies.

The conference featured several panels and presentations that are relevant to our project on Ethical Computing. Panels such as “Data Ethics and Innovation: Practical Steps”, “Generative Reo Māori AI”, and “Directions for AI policy in New Zealand” provided important discussions on the ethical implications and policy considerations surrounding AI.

Additionally, the conference included a number of presentations on ethical computing. These papers contributed to the ongoing dialogue on the ethical development and deployment of AI technologies.

Overall, the conference provided a valuable opportunity for AI researchers to network, share experiences, and collaborate on advancing the field. We are proud to have been part of such an important event and look forward to continuing our work in advancing ethical computing practices.

The recordings of all sessions are available here.

For more information about Professor Gill Dobbie, click here. For information about Dr. Daniel Wilson, click here.

Here are some photos of the event:

Professor Gill Dobbie (on the right) and Professor Albert Bifet (University of Waikato).
Dr Daniel Wilson (far right) in the panel discussion of “AI’s impact on society.” From left to right: Jonathan Kim (Principal Software Engineer, Callaghan Innovation), Emma MacDonald (Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation, Ministry of Statistics), and Paul Seiler (Catalyst Cloud).
Professor Mengjie Zhang (Victoria University of Wellington), Professor Richard Green (University of Canterbury), Dr Qi Chen (Victoria University of Wellington), and Professor Gill Dobbie (from left to right).