Cristian Gonzalez Prieto – PhD Candidate, School of Computer Science, University of Auckland

In the poster, we will present the results of a survey conducted with people aged 55 and over currently engaged with health services in Te Whatu Ora Counties Manukau. We explored those people’s attitudes and preferences about using their health data in research, including machine learning methods.   We proposed different scenarios, and more than 85% of respondents were aware of how their data is used. Around 80% were comfortable or very comfortable with data being used in that way. Concerns about privacy, confidentiality and cultural appropriation were raised too.

Cristian Gonzalez Prieto will present the poster at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference taking place on July 16-20, 2023.

Have a look at the poster in advance:

Poster: Exploring older people's attitudes and preferences around the use of their routinely collected healthcare data in brain health research in New Zealand